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Phoenix Star 11 Inches Glycerin Bong With Reinforced 6 Arm Pillar Perc & Showerhead Perc PHX649 is 11 inches in height with a wide & round thick base for safety. This glass bong features glycerin in the chamber, so you can gain the cooler flavor only if you put it in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours or more. The freezable bong is also equipped with reinforced 6 arm pillar perc & a showerhead perc to diffuse and filter the smoker and help you inhale smoother and cleaner hits. The smoke flows through the 6 arm pillar perc and showerhead perc to create more bubbles and more interface areas with water. The bubbling and rolling water via transparent glass will create a "whirlpool" shape to add smoking fun.